Night 6: The Swervin Skirvin

Leaving the Walnut Inn was bittersweet. The breakfast part of bed and breakfast was cool. French toast, bacon and fresh fruit (I tried a blackberry!) and fresh OJ were on the menu. We talked to Lisa, the cook/maid of the house talked to us for awhile. My mom took some pics and we hit the road.

It rained most of the day. We found the Superman museum and it was closed until way later in the day. I was bummed out that it was closed. Here's a hot tip about Route 66, if you aren't a car enthusiast, there is very little worth seeing. Everything is a burned down motel or retro diner or closed filling station. Sometimes there is a mural and sometimes a museum of cars. It is dreadfully boring most of the time and adds so much time to your drive. I hate to be a debbie downer but the whole thing has been underwhelming so far.

The other drawback has been how most of the places I have slept have been not spooky at all. The Lemp mansion and the lunatic asylum were cool but, at Walnut street and (jumping forward a bit) tonight at the Parq Central, we have been put in different buildings than the haunted ones. Hell, the hotel in Texas wasn't even meant to be haunted. So, this has felt like a disappointment the past few days.

Night 6 was the Skirvin hotel in Oklahoma City. It was the nicest hotel in terms of bellhops who hopped, valet parking and room service. The stories of the Skirvin center around a dead hooker who propositions males traveling alone or sometimes appearing naked while men are showering. None of the above happened as I was not alone and I shower in the morning (not exactly the spookiest time). We had a good night but I was never scared.

No pics. May not update until something interesting happens.


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